The Open Networking Lab joins forces with the Watford UTC

Blog post by Andrew Smith

A core feature of the ONL project is our collaboration with schools, colleges and UTC’s (University Technology Colleges) who all work in the post sixteen sector. Our long term project goal is to offer this course in a format that can be used by these organisations. So, it is essential that we engage with a select group during the pilot stages. Lynne pictured centre in the above photo has been a champion for ONL. Working with her post sixteen BTEC students at The Watford UTC and testing the content as well as using it to underpin her teaching of the BTEC national qualification.

Apart from online badges, students also received statements of participation as part of their study and progression portfolio. Each student pictured above has helped the ONL team develop the content and discover where improvements can be made for the final version. None of this could have been accomplished without Lynnes enthusiasm and considered feedback.



Developing accessible network simulation software for the visually impaired

Open Networking Lab

The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) blog has initiated a COVID special collection, featuring the latest news about the PT Anywhere network simulator. PT Anywhere, which has been jointly developed by the Open University and Cisco, has recently launched an accessible version for the visually impaired, in the context of the Open Networking Lab Accessibility...


The Open Networking Lab course in the UK Government Digital Skills Toolkit

Open Networking Lab

The Open Networking Lab course Discovering Computer Networks has been included in the UK Government Digital Skills Toolkit for furloughed workers. The Digital Skills Toolkit is a collection of training resources, including courses from Google, FutureLearn and the Open University, aiming to help people acquire digital skills for improving their employability. This online training initiative will...


The Ufi VocTech Showcase 2019

Open Networking Lab

The annual Ufi VocTech Showcase took place on November 21, 2019 in IET London. The event showcased a wide variety of projects funded by the Ufi VocTech Trust. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the latest innovative vocational learning solutions and approaches helping to upskill adults across the UK. Andrew Smith and Alexander Mikroyannidis represented the Open Networking Lab and...


The Open Networking Lab launches free online course

Open Networking Lab

The Open Networking Lab project has launched a free online course entitled "Discovering computer networks: hands on in the Open Networking Lab", which is available through the Open University’s OpenLearn platform. In this course, learners can explore how computer networks operate, discover how data is sent around the internet, as well as put their understanding into practice using the PT...

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