

Developing accessible network simulation software for the visually impaired

Open Networking Lab

The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) blog has initiated a COVID special collection, featuring the latest news about the PT Anywhere network simulator. PT Anywhere, which has been jointly developed by the Open University and Cisco, has recently launched an accessible version for the visually impaired, in the context of the Open Networking Lab Accessibility...


The Open Networking Lab course in the UK Government Digital Skills Toolkit

Open Networking Lab

The Open Networking Lab course Discovering Computer Networks has been included in the UK Government Digital Skills Toolkit for furloughed workers. The Digital Skills Toolkit is a collection of training resources, including courses from Google, FutureLearn and the Open University, aiming to help people acquire digital skills for improving their employability. This online training initiative will...


The Ufi VocTech Showcase 2019

Open Networking Lab

The annual Ufi VocTech Showcase took place on November 21, 2019 in IET London. The event showcased a wide variety of projects funded by the Ufi VocTech Trust. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the latest innovative vocational learning solutions and approaches helping to upskill adults across the UK. Andrew Smith and Alexander Mikroyannidis represented the Open Networking Lab and...


The Open Networking Lab launches free online course

Open Networking Lab

The Open Networking Lab project has launched a free online course entitled "Discovering computer networks: hands on in the Open Networking Lab", which is available through the Open University’s OpenLearn platform. In this course, learners can explore how computer networks operate, discover how data is sent around the internet, as well as put their understanding into practice using the PT...


The Open Networking Lab visits Ireland

Open Networking Lab

Blog post by Karen Kear Three members of the ONL team (Jon, Allan and Karen) recently attended the OER19 conference in Galway. This conference, which is organised by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), is about Open Educational Resources and Open Education Practice. It was therefore an ideal venue for presenting the project’s work; the ONL will be delivered as an open...


The Open Networking Lab joins forces with the Watford UTC

Open Networking Lab

Blog post by Andrew Smith A core feature of the ONL project is our collaboration with schools, colleges and UTC’s (University Technology Colleges) who all work in the post sixteen sector. Our long term project goal is to offer this course in a format that can be used by these organisations. So, it is essential that we engage with a select group during the pilot stages. Lynne pictured centre...


The Open Networking Lab at the IEEE FIE 2018

Open Networking Lab

Blog post by Alexander Mikroyannidis The 48th IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference took place on October 3-6 in San Jose, California, USA. FIE is a major international conference sponsored by the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE Computer Society. It is an ideal forum for sharing ideas, learning about the latest developments and interacting with colleagues in the fields of...


Presentation at the ALT 2018 conference

Open Networking Lab

Blog post by Karen Kear & Andrew Smith Karen Kear and Andrew Smith went to the Association of Learning Technologies Conference (ALT-C) at Manchester University during early September 2018. The ALT has been established for 25 years as a community of learning technologists and engaged academics.   We presented on the progress of the Open Networking Lab (ONL) project and early data from...


Presentation at the CALRG annual conference

Open Networking Lab

Blog post by Jon Rosewell Jon Rosewell, on behalf of the Open Networking Lab team, gave a presentation at the Open University Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG) annual conference. CALRG has been in existence at the Open University for 40 years and is one of the UK’s leading research groups in the use of technologies in education. Jon introduced the Open Networking Lab project...


From zero to hero – the challenge of bridging the internet technology knowledge gap!

Open Networking Lab

Blog post by Andrew Smith There are many excellent vocational learning programmes offering teaching material about programming, cyber security, database systems, computer systems maintenance, Internet of Things and network engineering. However, the challenge for vocational learning providers is seldom around content - there is plenty of resource available if providers opt into using it. The...